Monday, November 10, 2008


Hi friends! It's been a while, and I feel like the last post's venting doesn't represent how I feel any longer. Soooo.....yay! Anyways, I thought I'd throw out how grateful I am to have awesome friends! I'm not referring to the friends that are there for you when it's convenient, or when they need something. I'm referring to the few friends that are there for me no matter what.

In any case, this weekend was actually pretty relaxing for me! It's still rough not having a car, but I'm adapting little by little. I also bought some of my outfit for DanceSport, which is this weekend. I'm SOOOO excited for it! I'm competing 380 Waltz on Friday night, and 280 Triple Swing and 185 Samba on Saturday morning. Now, I'm not the greatest dancer, but I still LOVE the competition, because I get to watch all the upper-level competitions.

So yeah, that's just a brief update of my life!

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