Thursday, October 30, 2008

Life Drama...Ugh.

I know this blog is generally about happy happenings, but let's be honest: Nobody's life is comprised entirely of happy happenings. Unless, of course, you are a Disney character, in which case you should immediately kick yourself in the pants for giving children the false notion that life is always happy. Seeing as I'm not one o' those, once in a while I've gotta vent to my blog peeps about drama. So here goes. Deal with it.

  1. My car, Baxter, has decided to completely crap out on me, an event that I foresaw coming for a long time. However, I did not expect it to be brought on prematurely by some idiot filling the gas tank with diesel fuel. And said idiot is refusing to pay for it. So, I'm at a loss for what to do. I don't have the money that I need to fix it, but I can't just leave it sitting there at the auto shop. I also have rent due today, and I have to pay a huge cell phone bill that T-Mobile screwed me over on. I have no idea how I'm gonna get out of this one. I hate money.
  2. School is ridiculous. I studied long and hard for this D&C midterm, yet still walked away with a 57%. The teacher was so highly recommended by everyone I asked, yet this teacher seems to be consumed by a fit of ridiculousness. He doesn't go over anything in lecture, and he doesn't tell us what we're supposed to know for the exams. I suppose we're expected to memorize the entire D&C just in case something random appears on the midterm? Ugh. Also, there are only two grades for the entire class: the midterm, and the final. So I'm reasonably sure I'm going to fail this class. And English. I try to keep caught up, but it's hard to do without a textbook. The bookstore ordered the wrong ones, and now I'm expected to go spend $80 on another book. There's no way that's gonna happen given the current money quotient. I'm so burnt out from this semester. I'm vaguely thinking of deferring for a semester and just working here in Provo for a while. It might help refresh me and give me a chance to get my head on straight.
  3. Prop 8. Despite several announcements, blog posts, facebook statuses, etc. that have expressed my non-desire to hear about it, people still seem to think that they're the exception. If you have an opinion about Prop 8, that's great. Keep it to yourself. If you're a California voter, vote accordingly. If you're not a California voter, get your nose out of our politics, and worry about your own state's affairs. Thanks! :D
  4. Halloween. I love Halloween! I guess this one isn't so much venting as wondering. I still have no idea what I should dress up as. Any last-minute ideas?
If you've read this far, I applaud you. You're either a good friend, or really really bored. In either case, have a great day!

1 comment:

Carla said...

Hey, I'm totally not advocating this, but if you ever get in dire enough financial straights you can speak with your bishop who will help you out with rent etc. The only requirement is that you're a full tithe payer and an active member.

And regarding prop 8... the only reason we pro-prop 8ers blog about it etc so frequently, is because we've been asked to by the first presidency. Well, that and the fact that we have a vested interest in seeing it pass (ie-children).

Anyway, good luck with everything. Being a poor college student isn't too much fun sometimes, is it?