Friday, November 21, 2008

Fun Fridays!

I love Fridays. There's the impending weekend in the air, we normally have food at work. And it's the day where I can justify not doing any homework. In any case, today has been a pretty good Friday.

Today we had our Triple Swing test in my Social Dance class, and our teacher Betsy asked me to help write down her comments. After a few couples danced, I mentioned that I felt like the American Idol panel, because it was me, Betsy, and our TA Jared. We decided it would be sweet to replicate AI, so we did. After the couple danced, I grabbed the microphone and said in my best Simon accent, "That was absolutely repellent." Betsy put on her Paula voice and said "OMG, that was the best dance ever! You are beautiful!" Then Jared pulled a Randy and said, "Yo yo dawg, that was awesome."

When I first spoke, I got a lot of dirty looks. But then when everyone figured out what we were doing, it was great.

That's my story.


Monica said...

Funny, I could totally hear you in the voice. Can't wait till Christmas!!

Meagan said...

haha, that is awesome. and i can just see the people at byu looking at you like "who do you think you are." anyway, we need to go dancing sometime because, well, i miss it. the end. :)

Em said...

I have a new blog now, somehow my old got deleted :(

But here it is! (Just click on my name)