Sunday, September 7, 2008

First week of school!

Hello everyone! I apologize for the general lack of posts from me; I was kinda blindsided by the ridiculous amount of work that was required the first week of school!
But...first things first. Y'all remember my last post about my new glasses...well, I've got them. I actually got them later that day, but yeah. So... Here they are! (With my new hair...I'll discuss that later.)

What else is new? Hmmmm. This semester should be interesting. I thought it would be an easy workload: Spanish 206, Advanced Writing, clarinet lessons, University Orchestra, Beginning Latin Dance, Intermediate Social Dance, and D&C. I was mistaken. Juggling all that AND working 20 hours a week has proven to be quite a task!

My nephew Ezra was baptized yesterday. Weird. Well, not necessarily weird; it's just crazy that it's been 8 years! He is quite the active little dude! (Check out Monica's blog for more details.) To commemorate, I figured I'd share this gem with you all:
It was time to go to bed, but he was adamant that he was "SOOOO hungry!" So we gave him an apple, and he fell asleep with the first bite in his mouth. What a punk. BTW, this pic is dated 2 October 2005, shortly after his 5th birthday.
Well, I've gotta get back to the mounting pile of homework. More to follow later! Loves!

1 comment:

Em said...

Love the glasses and haircut!