Friday, June 27, 2008

¡Viva el español!

Hi everyone! I've decided to list some of the ways in which learning Spanish has blessed my life.

1. I can communicate with so many more people.
2. I can sing along to Enrique Iglesias' song "Dimelo" (That's "Do You Know" in English.)
3. One day I can go to Spain, and I'll be able to survive there!
4. Understanding Spanish really makes it easier to understand most of the Romance languages. (ie, French, Italian, Portuguese)
5. Tortilla Española. I don't know what this has to do with the language, but this yummy Spanish goodness has provided many a yummy meal! (Check it out here)

1 comment:

Em said...

¿Donde puedo comprar un bigote falso para mi perro?