Thursday, May 29, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Hi everyone! I know you're all sitting on the edge of your seats anxiously awaiting the next installment of my Hawaii trip, but I guess you'll all just have to wait. It really is a pain trying to upload pictures of my trip from work, and seeing as that's where I spend most of my day, it's going to take me a while to get Aloha part two going. In the meantime, here's a small list of the simple pleasures in my life. Disclaimer: This list is in no particular order and is not meant to be exhaustive.

· Sinking my toes into wet sand on the beach

· Warm cookies and milk

· Robyn hugs

· Puppy noses

· Puppies that walk all lopsided and clumsily

· Heck, puppies in general! J

· Goldfish crackers

· That warm tingly feeling you get when you hold hands for the first time. (Hear the song “Bubbly” by Colbie Callait for a more detailed description)

· Getting the first whiff of soup in a thermos

· Sunsets over the mountains

· Cold watermelon in the middle of the summer

· Blowing bubbles into milk

· Picnics with friends. Preferably at Hart Park. During school hours. *Devious chortle*

· Being warm under the covers on a cold morning

· Hearing your favorite song on the radio

· Food samples at Costco

· Driving with the windows rolled down on the first warm day in spring

· The first snowfall of the winter

· Tropical rain

· The earthy smell of planting a garden.

· Window-shopping at the mall with my friends.

· Flying a kite

· The really pulpy feel of high-pulp orange juice on my tongue

· Cold apple juice

· Walking into a warm room on a cold day. Except when I’m wearing glasses, cuz then they fog up.

· Being barefoot in a park with really nice grass.

To be continued…


Carla said...

What a fun list Mr. Munn!

Monica said...

The puppy looks like Luke. I know you miss him.

Tiffany said...

I like this list. It's a good idea, I may have to make one now :)