Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Autumn Ramblings

Hi everybody! It's been a while since I've posted. Here are some of the things on my mind:

  1. Autumn -- Autumn is coming! I absolutely LOVE all the colors. In Bakersfield, it would switch from summer to autumn in about a day, so it's nice to actually have a few weeks where the leaves turn colors and the air is crisp and cool. However, I find myself unprepared for the impending cold. But, I'm very excited for the start of baking season! On Sunday, I made a pumpkin pie to celebrate. There's just something comforting about having the apartment smell like spices and other yummies. Also...hot cocoa. I had my first cup of the year yesterday. It was a hard choice; drinking cocoa means admitting that it's getting cold. But it was worth it. Every minty sip of it.
  2. Proposition 8 -- This is some pretty hot news. Everywhere I turn people are clamoring for one side or the other. And to be honest, I'm sick of being attacked by both sides! I think that gay/lesbian couples should be allowed the same state AND federal civil rights as married couples. However, the separation of church and state should be maintained; i.e. it's not the government's business to tell churches they have to marry same-sex couples. In any case, if I know you well enough, I probably already know your opinion on it, and "what [you] would do if [you] were [me]." So enough already. I know what I'm going to vote, and I don't need people calling me at all hours soliciting votes. Thanks! :D
  3. Dance -- When I started Ballroom Dance my freshman year at BYU, I didn't think I'd ever really get into it. I just wanted to fulfill my wellness credits. However, after taking a few dance classes, it turns out that I really enjoy it! So this semester, I'm taking beginning latin and intermediate social dance. I'm having lots of fun in Latin, although I'm not very good at it. I guess some peoples' hips are just not made for shakin'! In any case, we had the mock competition last Wednesday for Latin, and I was dancing the Rumba. I made it to a few rounds, so that was good! And we just started Samba, which I've decided is the hottest dance ever. Also, we're doing triple swing in my social class. Way fun! For the social dance lab, each 280 class has to do an exhibition, so our class is dancing the cha cha to none less than the Men in Black theme song. Huzzah. Should be interesting to see. More to follow.
  4. Halloween -- Halloween is rapidly approaching! I was reminded of this when I got booed at work. (Someone left a little poem on my desk about getting booed, accompanied with a little ghost to hang that says "Brian was booed" and a small treat. It was precious.) Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I mean, what's more fun than putting on a costume and parading around the streets demanding candy? Yeah, good times. I need some input on this one: I don't know what I should be for Halloween. Any ideas?
So that's about all that's going on in my life at the moment. Drop a comment and let me know if you have any good Halloween ideas! BTW, the pic from the top is one I took myself around this time in 2006. Isn't Utah beautiful?!



Carla said...

In regards to #3, you can take dance and it counts!? Life is unfair. Not that I'd take it anyway, but still...

Julie said...

I love you but I am so sick of that same picture popping up all the time. Take a new one already. Mwah.

Monica said...

I just got your voter thing in the mail today. I'll ship it out Monday. The 28th is the last day you can apply for the absentee balot. Go Prop 8!!!