Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Hey everyone! I opened up the Daily Universe (the BYU newspaper) and was surprised to find that my letter to the editor had been printed in today's edition. Several people have asked to read it, so I figured I'd just post it on here for everyone.

JUDGE NOT (The original title I put was "Christ Loves Them, You Should Too" but they changed it)

This is in response to the June 26th letter, “Those who believe, follow.”

Just a quick thought. You might recall the story in John 8 about the woman that was taken in adultery and brought before the Savior. The scribes and the Pharisees were looking for the Savior to condemn this woman, yet he gave this simple reply: “Let he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” (John 8:7). It is neither your place nor mine to judge those who deal with same-gender attraction. Would you like to have your peers judge you for your problems? I would think not.

You might also recall the Savior’s response to this woman: “Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more” (John 8:11). There are countless members of the Church that struggle with same-gender attraction, yet choose to press forward in the Gospel, take the sacrament, and are temple worthy. In the Church, there are no “gay” members or “straight” members, only those who are trying to live the Gospel, and those who aren’t.

As a final thought, think of the words of Alma at the waters of Mormon. This “gay-bashing” letter is probably not conducive to “[bearing] one another’s burdens that they may be light” (Mosiah 18:10). We should help and support our brothers and sisters in their efforts to live the Gospel, whatever their struggles may be.

Brian Munn
Bakersfield, CA


Monica said...

That was awesome!! and so true. I really hate judging...wait... am I judging by saying I hate judging?
Anyways, we really are commanded to "love one another", not love one another only if the person is perfect or has problems we'd rather not deal with.

Monica said...

oops- DOESN"T have problems we'd rather not deal with!

Carla said...

Awesome! These are my EXACT sentiments! I'll just have to refer people to your blog from now on.

Em said...

It's so true...I have to tell people and correct them when it comes to this issue, and you use the perfect words to explain it. Good job!