Friday, January 11, 2008

First week of school

Well, my first week back at school is winding down. I've been REALLY tired lately, school hit me harder than I thought it would. Plus, with work thrown in, it makes for a really long schedule. Oh well, It's almost the weekend, and I can relax a bit and catch up on all the homework I didn't get around to. Oh, and an update on trying to add that Mission Prep class: I've decided to just keep the class I was registered for, on Tuesday night. But yeah, other than being really tired, things are going okay.


Tiffany said...

Brian, I know you'll do great this semester! You'll probably get stressed out and whatnot, but I know you'll do fine ;) I love you!

Carla said...

Hey, my blog is going private so can you please email me (cmholsonbake[at]sbcglobal[dot]net) and let me know your email address so I can put you in my preferred list? Thanks!